-[School starts]
Monday, September 8, 2008 ( 8:04 AM )

Today marked the start of the school term(a much dreaded one may I add) where I hadn'f finished the English Testpaper, Chinese SA2 practice and Math Set E.

For the Eng testpaper and mth set E, I only found it when I was hurridly packing my bag and moving the contents of my previous file into my new one(:
So it's just me being slack. :D
As for the Chinese SA2, I couldn't finish it on time.
I know, I'm a bloddy slacker.
ANYWAY. Felt good to be back in school(more talking!)
Dora returned the black jacket that I lent her and Kok lost the earings, that she gave me for my bithday but was borrowing for the holidays. So she bought a new pair, must be epensive kok.
Oh wells, she's going to give me the eact same pair tomorrow :D
Had recess with Deborah, Kok, Z Ann and Esther. And gosh, Deborah and Kok don't eat proper food. Seaweed and green tea, only. No wonder their so skinny. I am so joining them.
And I was there sitting next to them looking like a big fatass while their STICK AND BONES.
Gosh, why did I have to sit next to them? It's probably a sign that I'm too damn fat :D
We were required to report to the Audi after recess for some kind of briefing. Only hen we got there and everyone had settled down that we realised that it was the PSLE listing briefing(On Friday, FYI)
We were supposed to be listening, but we were like, laughing and talking instead. While other classes kept staring at us ><
There was this one part where the presenter was like "You have to report to school at 8.15." And then JING RONG almost shouted out "HAR?" And the whole Audi turned to look at the area the noise was coming from, mainly her though. Then she got red(: and Dora shushed her.
Then the speaker replied "Of course wat. Teachers have to mark attendance and call the people who come late and give them time to come right?" LOL.
Gawd the computer is getting very very hot(TEMERATURE WISE.) I might even burn myself if I touch the underside too long! :D
Right. So now I'm in the toilet, typing and peeing at the same time. Oh right, I can't type fast enough. Darn, I need to type faster lah.
OKAYY. That was so so RANDOM.
Back to the topic! Which is?
Damn. I don't even have a topic.
RIGHT RIGHT. I was talkig about school.
So we went back to class, and then math period blah blah blah.
Fasting Forwarddd...
For some reason, she was angry. Okay, maybe not some reason. It's because we are monsters and didn't do homework right(: Well, something like that. It's a long story, and it's 12.19 AM.
Sorry, but it's the only time I'm not doing something else. :D
Long story short, she was angry because we either didn't hand in our work or did not do it properly.
It was scarryy. Seriously, Mrs Sim can be fierce if she wanted to. Her scolding us made the whole class like... you could her a pin drop? Probabaly you could if there was a pin around(:
Next period, MUSIC. Ms Ling brought us into the com lab near our class.
I rolled my chair around and Rachel Ng added me(On fb) :D
After school walked down with Deborah and Serene. Missed the school bus and took the public bus home(:
While I was walking back to my house, my ex-bus driver saw me and pointed the index finger and was shaking his head.
That fat idiot monster freako. It's none of his business what I do.F him.
Ate Sukiyaki(Japanese thing:) for dinner and then did my english set 12 after coming home from tuition at 8-ish.
I was almost finishing my paper when I heard a thunder and then it suddenly started raining and had frequent lighting and occasional thunder.
Love the sound of the rain & thunder as I watch the lighting.

-test :D
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 ( 1:12 AM )

test test :D


My name is Alexxandra.
People wish me 'happybirthday!' on every 15th of July.
Wants a Macbook, more hand gloves, more Manga, SAKE(: , more nice clothes....
I love the computer and phones[Sony ericsonn!] involved in the 'bitchygirlpolitics' world :D
Goes to MGPS. The 'sizzling' candy class. I bring the average down.
And yes, I rock your socks off.


Random stuff.


Amee Wong. Camell-ia. Six-one. Daishia Kwok. Diana Lee. Dora Aik. E-Mae. Esther Gong. Evannnn. Han Zhong. Tan Jia Hui. Jing Rong. link. Kyrie. Lena Lee. Li Huei. Pheobe. Rachel Loh. Samantha Wong. Sharon Soon. Sheryl Goh. Wong Shien. Stephanie Chee. Serene Lee. Tia Tan. Tze Ann. Vanessa Loke. Yuen Ning. Yuen Ying.



your world your life

September 2008
October 2008
November 2008


Blogskin created by dog10394. Her blog at dog10394's blog.