Tuesday, October 28, 2008 ( 8:37 PM )

1;People who had been tagged must repost and do this quiz on their blog
2;If they dislike the questions, they can remake one themselves.
3; Tag 5 people to complete this quiz and they cannot refuse.The person must state who they have been tagged by,and continue it by sending to other people.

1.Do you have secrets?
Uh, isnt it obvious. I do, alot. If you want me to answer truthfully...
2.Would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
Never man.
3.Do you enjoy going school?
Depends. If theres nothing to do and we can run around and run out of school and go other places with friends, is there a reason to hate school??
4.What would you do with a billion dollars?
5.Will you fall in love with your best friend?
If HE falls in love with me FIRST :D
6.Which is more blessed,being loved or loving someone?
7.List out 15 favourite songsumm not accordingly
I dont have any FAVOURITE songs. I just listen according to my mood. But, i think
-1985{Bowling For Soup},
-Boys Like Girls songs,
-Crush{David Archuleta},
-Click Five songs-especially Resign :D,
-Hey Juliet{LMNT},
-How To Save A Life{The Fray},
-L.O.V.E{Ashlee Simpson, Lables or Love,
-Stop and Stare{First Republic},
-Viva La Vida{Coldplay},
-When I Grow Up{The Pussycat Dolss}, and more rocks :D
8.If the person you admired is attached,what will you do?
I'll think about it if it EVER happens
9.Is there anything that has make you extremely happy?
SKIP. Too lazy to list.
10.What makes you angry?
What! Skip man.
11.How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
i dont know.
12.What is the most important things in life?
GAWD. i'm starting to HATE these questions. Skip!
13.Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Uh, depends. If i have loads of friends, i can get married later. :D
So, its single, rich and a nice character. :D
14.What is your fav colour?
I never think about that. Its anything that goes well with what i'm wearing or what i have.(clothes)
15.Would you gave all in to a relationship?
Depends on what your meaning of 'all' is.
16.If you fell in love with 2 persons,which one would you pick?
Depends on who the two people are.
17.Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a person has done to you?
Depends what that person did.
18.What do you want to tell the person you like?
What! What kind of question is that?!
19.What type of person will you fall in love with?
Someone that makes my world turn upside down, inside out, that i 'click' with.
(i'd prefer if he were rich :D )

My 5 people :D (charm, aidan. but they dont have blogs)

-The FIRST, but not the last.
Sunday, October 12, 2008 ( 4:11 AM )

Oh Gawd. Save me.
Look at this:

ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says: What do you think I am, a
effing mic?

ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says: >=D
~kãwâii~ says: wats effing?
~kãwâii~ says: hellpooooooooooooooo
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:f-ing.
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:-.-
~kãwâii~ says:sighing?
~kãwâii~ says:wwats a
sighing mic?

~kãwâii~ says:HUH?
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:*sigh*
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:effing=F-ing.
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:Get it?
~kãwâii~ says:HUH?
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3
~kãwâii~ says:oh!
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:GOSH.
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:but i dont say fuck.
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:I say f.
~kãwâii~ says:the g and the n are at the wtong places
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:Pronounce.
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:F-ing.
ALEXXANDRA-xoxox; Granny LVx3 says:=="
~kãwâii~ says:hahax

Slowslowslowslowslowslow. SIGH. Ohwell, can it be helped?

RIGHT. Back to the subject.

The 1st day. After the science[LAST!] paper.
We got dismissed[of course. What did you think, they would keep us imprisoned in that exam hall??]

I had plans to go to KAP with MaeMae, Shi En and Serene.
And wow, Shi En can bring a house down. She brought people.

It was like, 10.40-ish when we got there. But breakfast ends at ELEVEN. They serve FRIES, HAMBURGERS, CHICKEN NUGGETS and etc. Basically stuff other than the breakfast food x)
We were like, counting down.

Guess what the wind blew in.
Charm, Kok and Esther! lawl.
Esther HUGGED me. 0_0 Weird .

WHEN, at 10.52-ish.
The one and only. JO AND PILLOW CHUA came!

Chart of relationship between time and amount of people...
10.40-4-MaeMae, Shi En Serene&I
10.45-7-MaeMae, Shi En Serene&I + Charm, Kok&Esther
10.52-9-MaeMae, Shi En, Serene&I + Charm, Kok&Esther + J0&Pillow

The question on your mind now-Is that all of the people? PLEASE say yes.

YES, that is all. We were combining 3 tables.
We had to like. Wait SO LONG. Just for the people to flip the stuff.
They flipped it not at 11, but at 11.15!
Gah. We were like, standing a distance away from the counter, in anticipation.
It seemed like at least three HOURS.

So, they FINALLY stopped breakfast. And started. LUNCH :D
Then, suddenly. WOOSH. The counter was hopping busy!


And built a MOUNTAIN of rubbish.
We should have brought glue though, so the tissue would actually stay. XD

After Mac, Shi En, MaeMae and I went to GUTHRIE(:

had ICE CREAM and cake[at coffee bean. For me!]

Good times. Good times.
Didnt last til 4 though. only like, 12.45 DD:
My MOM called. And wanted to pick me up. whattodo whattodo. Ohwell. I can only sigh.


Some are here though.
oh. This is like, very late :XX


My name is Alexxandra.
People wish me 'happybirthday!' on every 15th of July.
Wants a Macbook, more hand gloves, more Manga, SAKE(: , more nice clothes....
I love the computer and phones[Sony ericsonn!] involved in the 'bitchygirlpolitics' world :D
Goes to MGPS. The 'sizzling' candy class. I bring the average down.
And yes, I rock your socks off.


Random stuff.


Amee Wong. Camell-ia. Six-one. Daishia Kwok. Diana Lee. Dora Aik. E-Mae. Esther Gong. Evannnn. Han Zhong. Tan Jia Hui. Jing Rong. link. Kyrie. Lena Lee. Li Huei. Pheobe. Rachel Loh. Samantha Wong. Sharon Soon. Sheryl Goh. Wong Shien. Stephanie Chee. Serene Lee. Tia Tan. Tze Ann. Vanessa Loke. Yuen Ning. Yuen Ying.



your world your life

September 2008
October 2008
November 2008


Blogskin created by dog10394. Her blog at dog10394's blog.