-Dan Ryan's
Saturday, November 8, 2008 ( 10:05 AM )

Long Post.
Have a pillow near you. Read half, go to sleep and read the rest when you wake up.
Or maybe you should just skip the boring, 'talking-about-my-life-cos-I-have-nothing-better-to-do-parts'.

ShiEn’s birthday celebration, which was held at
Dan Ryan's, rocked. :D
To my one and only ShiEn/FrankieAstorMafiaHarrisonBOSS/grand-daughter/Shen/Wongers/Vodka, happy birthday.
I know, its over. LONG over.
But you get me don't you(:

Prep For The Shankie Celebration
I invited Dora over to my house earlier to help me choose what to wear. Since we’re going to Dan Ryan’s. After
walking to my house from the bus stop we finally reached our destination, my place.
She looks up at the high ceiling, and goes "Wow, your house is [u]freaky[/u]"
I'm like, whathefuck!
But I don't say anything about it, cos Dora's frankness is a characteristic. :D
We, or she, if you want me to be honest, went on onemanga, and started reading .
I glare and she, being Dora, notices. 'Sorry!' she says,
oh-so-rudely :D and goes back to reading.
Until three, as she promised me. She wouldn’t stop at two fifty eight or nine, and hat to wait until it was actually three o'clock and zero seconds to turn the computer off.
Ah, but I'm soft, I would let her have her way any day. Except with neoprints! But she's push-able too, not as much as me though.
Okay. Why am I talking about myself?

Back to the topic.

We head out to my drive and play Badminton.
She suddenly sat down and looked at the
sky(of all places), unexpected.
Then she made me take a picture of it and send it, cos her camera is old and lousy ;X
(and you know it Dora ;) )
Okay, she can't stand the sight of me now...

So, we're all sweaty. Her and me at least. We put the Badminton stuff away and get into the house to get a drink.
She gets iced water, with
lots of ice. :D
And I get sake, of course. She gives me the 'your-not-supposed-to-do-this-i'm-so-disspapointed-sigh-what-can-be-done' look.
sighs, as usual.
Then we head up to my room so she can pick something out for ShiEn's birthday dinner.
She sees my collection of Manga, and ignores me(
I don't get real pissed, cos I'm nice 0:D
My mom comes home, then drives her home. That's the last of her, and my Manga that she borrowed, which very nicely leaves on my table the next morning.
No comment.

The Shankie Celebration
Its nearing the time...
Very near.
Okay, I'm supposed to be heading to ShiEn's house with Kok at this time.
And I am?
Still at home, waiting for my mom to start her vehicle and be a taxi one more time. :D
She throws a tantrum, so my dad, just in time, comes to save me, and chauffeurs me and
friend around :D

So I finally, and when I say finally, I mean finally, pick Kok up and drop us off at ShiEn's.
We're supposed to meet them at the park, but my dad thinks they're all in the house, so we pretend to walk into the house, like nothing much, waiting for my dad to leave.
The senile grandmother lying there lifelessly on the couch, cranes her neck and stares at us like she wants to come over and inquire the reason for our presence, and firstly, get our names and where the heaven we come from all written down, drag us to the police.
Well, that's the exaggerated version, she looks on curiously actually, like she's watching her favorite chinese drama or something.
We were pretending to walk normally, and my dad takes like, forever to go, so as soon as he does, actually, I sprint, Kok walk/runs, as usual. (I'm faster! :D)
So, when we get to the park, we make a big entrance, everyone's waiting for Kok(not me T-T)
'Kok!' 'HEY!' 'Ash!' they shout.
They come running over, and they look like a pack of mad bulls, so I stand near Kok.

Soon enough, ShiEn mother drives us to Dan Ryan's.
Me and Kok sit opposite each other, oh-so-coincidentally.
And order the
same thing.
(maybe we're just meant to be.)
Lots of people ordered Spaghetti and meatballs anyway.

very nice rents pass around a cup of wine, red to be exact.
It was sour, not sweet, ripe, mild. Sorry, winey!
So, they passed around quite a few glasses.
We took a walk and went all the way to. some shopping mall which had Iggy's there :D
And went high. There was a security camera there, but I was wearing a petite little butterfly thing. Meaning I'm safe.
Then headed back .
Loads of fun. Lots, seriously.
That wraps everything up doesn't it? :D

Had a great time.


My name is Alexxandra.
People wish me 'happybirthday!' on every 15th of July.
Wants a Macbook, more hand gloves, more Manga, SAKE(: , more nice clothes....
I love the computer and phones[Sony ericsonn!] involved in the 'bitchygirlpolitics' world :D
Goes to MGPS. The 'sizzling' candy class. I bring the average down.
And yes, I rock your socks off.


Random stuff.


Amee Wong. Camell-ia. Six-one. Daishia Kwok. Diana Lee. Dora Aik. E-Mae. Esther Gong. Evannnn. Han Zhong. Tan Jia Hui. Jing Rong. link. Kyrie. Lena Lee. Li Huei. Pheobe. Rachel Loh. Samantha Wong. Sharon Soon. Sheryl Goh. Wong Shien. Stephanie Chee. Serene Lee. Tia Tan. Tze Ann. Vanessa Loke. Yuen Ning. Yuen Ying.



your world your life

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November 2008


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